November 25, 2012

The Master Cleanse Detox

Well it is that time again. My digestive system needs a break and my colon could use a nice flushing from all the Holiday foods I've had these last few days. I have done the Master Cleanse Detox quite a few times. The longest I have cleansed was for 21 days. Total Mind over Matter. In this blog I am going to give you the instructions on how to do the ENTIRE Master Cleanse Stanley Burroughs is the man that Developed The Master Cleanse, I will also post the Q & A for those of you that may have questions.

There is also a certain way to come off the cleanse so please make sure you read all of this blog!

? ? To dissolve and eliminate toxins and congestion that have formed in any part of the body.
? ? To cleanse the kidneys and the digestive system.
? ? To purify the glands and cells throughout the entire body.
? ? To eliminate all unusable waste and hardened material in the joints and muscles.
? ? To relieve pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries, and blood vessels.
? ? To build a healthy blood stream.
? ? To keep youth and elasticity regardless of our years.

? ? When sickness has developed— for all acute and chronic conditions.
? ? When the digestive system needs a rest and a cleansing.
? ? When overweight has become a problem.
? ? When better assimilation and building of body tissue is needed.

Follow the diet for a minimum of 10 days or more— up to 40 days and beyond may be safely followed for extremely serious cases. The diet has all the nutrition needed during this time. Three to four times a year will do wonders for keeping the body in a normal healthy condition. The diet may be undertaken more frequently for serious conditions.

2 Tablespoons lemon or limejuice (approx. ½ lemon)
2 Tablespoons genuine maple syrup (Not maple flavored sugar syrup)
1/10 Teaspoon cayenne pepper (red pepper) or to taste
8 oz water, room temperature
Combine the juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper in a 10 oz glass jar w/lid and fill with the water.
Shake it up and drink. (Cold water may be used if preferred.)
Use fresh (organic) lemons or limes only, never canned lemon or limejuice nor frozen lemonade or
frozen juice.

Take from six to twelve glasses of the lemonade daily during the waking period. As you get hungry just have another glass of lemonade. NO OTHER FOOD SHOULD BE TAKEN DURING THE FULL PERIOD OF THE DIET. As this is a complete balance of minerals and vitamins, one does not suffer the pangs of hunger. Do not use vitamin pills!!!
All solid food is turned into a liquid state before the blood can carry it to the cells. The lemonade is
already a food in liquid form. For those who are overweight, less maple syrup may be taken. For those underweight, more maple syrup may be taken. For those who are underweight and worried about losing more weight, REMEMBER, the only things you can possible lose are mucus; waste, and disease. Healthy tissue will not be eliminated. Many people who need to gain weight actually do so near the end of the diet period. Never vary the amount of lemon juice per glass. About six glasses of lemonade a day is enough for those wishing to reduce. Extra water may be taken as desired.

As this is a cleansing diet, the more you can assist Nature to eliminate poisons, the better. IF YOUR
Avoid this possibility by following the directions completely. Above all, be sure you have two, three, or eliminating the waste it has loosened from the various cells and organs in the body.
They must leave the body some way. It would be just the same as sweeping the floor around and around and never removing the dirt from the house if the wastes were not passed out. The better the elimination, the more rapid will be the results.

A LAXATIVE HERB TEA is found to be the best helper for most persons. It is a good practice to take a good laxative herb tea right from the beginning— the last thing at night and first thing in the morning. There are several good laxative teas. They are best taken in a liquid form. Buy them in your health food store.
Note: I use Smooth Move Tea made by: Traditional Medicinals

As it is necessary to bathe the outside of our bodies, so it is with the inside. Do not take enemas or colonics at any time during the cleansing diet or afterwards. They are unnecessary and can be extremely armful.There is a much superior method of cleansing the colonic tract without the harmful effects of customary colonics and enemas. This method will cleanse the entire digestive tract while the colonics and enemas will only reach the colon or a small part of it. Colonics can be expensive while our salt-water method is not.

Prepare a full quart (32oz) of lukewarm water and add two level teaspoons of Sea Salt. Do not use ordinary iodized salt, as it will not work properly. Drink the entire quart of salt and water first thing in the morning. This must be taken on an empty stomach. The salt and water will not separate but will stay intact and quickly and thoroughly wash the entire tract in about one hour. Several eliminations will likely occur. The salt water has the same specific gravity as the blood, hence the kidneys cannot pick up the water and the blood cannot pick up the salt. This may be taken as often as needed for proper washing of the entire digestive system. If the salt water does not work the first time, try adding a little more or a little less salt until the proper balance is found; or possible take extra water with or without salt. This often increases the activity. Remember, it can do no harm at any time. The colon needs a good washing, but do it the natural way the salt water way. It is quite advisable to take the herb laxative tea at night to loosen, then the salt water each morning to wash it out. If for some reason the salt water cannot be taken in the morning, then the herb laxative tea must be taken night and morning.

Coming off the lemonade diet properly is highly important— please follow the directions very carefully.
After living in a semi-tropical and tropical climate for many years, I find that people have increasingly
turned to a raw fruit, nut, and vegetable diet. Following is the schedule for people who normally follow
such a natural vegetarian diet:

Several 8 oz. Glasses of fresh orange juice as desired during the day. The orange juice prepares the
digestive system to properly digest and assimilate regular food. Drink it slowly. If there has been any
digestive difficulty prior to or during the change over, extra water may be taken with the orange juice.

Orange juice in the morning. Raw fruit for lunch. Fruit or raw vegetable salad at night. You are now ready to eat normally.


For those who have characteristically lived the unnatural way of meat, milk, refined and devitalized food, it may be best to change over as follows, gradually adopting the raw fruit, nut, and vegetable diet:

Several 8 oz. Glasses of fresh orange juice as desired during the day. Drink it slowly.

Drink several 8 oz. Glasses of orange juice during the day— with extra water, if needed. Some time during the afternoon, prepare a vegetable soup (no canned soup) as follows:

Use several kinds of vegetables, perhaps one or two kinds of legumes, potatoes, celery, carrots, green vegetable tops, onion, etc. Dehydrated vegetables or vegetable soup powders may be added for extra flavor. Okra or okra powder, chili, curry, cayenne (red pepper), tomatoes, green peppers, and zucchini squash may be included to good advantage. Brown rice may be used, but no meat or meat stock. Other spices may be added (delicately) for flavor. Use salt delicately as a limited amount of salt is necessary.
Learn to enjoy the natural flavor of the vegetables. The less cooking the better. Have this soup for the evening meal using the broth mostly, although some of the vegetables may be eaten. Rye wafers may be eaten sparingly with the soup, but no bread or crackers.

Drink orange juice in the morning. At noon have more soup: enough may be made the night before and put in the refrigerator. For the evening meal eat whatever is desired in the form of vegetables, salads, or fruit. No meat, fish, or eggs; no bread, pastries, tea coffee, or milk. Milk is highly mucus forming and tends to develop toxins throughout the body. (Milk, being a predigested food, has been known to cause various complications in the stomach and colon, such as cramps and convulsions. The calcium in milk is difficult to assimilate and may cause toxins in the form of rheumatic fever, arthritis, neuritis, and bursitis. The resulting lack of proper digestion and assimilation of the calcium allows it to go into the blood stream in a free form and it is deposited in the tissues, cells, and joints where it can cause intense pain and suffering.)

Normal eating may be resumed, but best health will be retained if the morning meal consists of our type of lemonade or fruit juice: and, of course, if a strictly fruit, vegetable, seed and berry diet is followed. If, after eating is resumed, distress or gas occurs, it is suggested that the lemonade diet be continued for several more days until the system is ready for food.

Recap of the steps to be taken in the diet. Be careful to read the entire instructions so that the diet will be of the best benefit to you. First prepare yourself mentally to follow in detail the entire directions and  continue as long as is needed to make the necessary changes. One of the best signals of the completed diet is when the formerly coated and fuzzy tongue is clear pink and clean looking. During the diet it becomes very badly coated.

The Night Before starting the diet commence drinking laxative tea.
In the morning take the salt-water (or) laxative tea. This should be done each night and morning during the diet— rare exception— if diarrhea develops. When diarrhea is ended then continue above directions.

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